This is just a short notice if there is a new version of the Real Capital Ships mod for Sins of a Solar Empire
New Version with enhanced weapon effects.
Published on March 29, 2008 By Grottenolm85 In Sins Modding
i've been asked to release the new Version of RCS a little earlier so here you go Blumento_pferde.
Thx to Admiral_cobbs for the raw material for the new Atlantis-like weapon effects of TEC.

It's not ready yet, but it will be fine for some matches against Ai.

If you have suggestions or wishes post them below. May be i can realise them.

Have fun 

on Apr 29, 2008
on Apr 29, 2008
hi i live in australia and im not sure if that makes any difference but ive downloaded the capital ship mod and i cant get it to work would you please be able to give me some guidance
on Apr 29, 2008
This mod doesn't work. It shows up in the Options/Mods menu in the game, but even after I enable it it doesn't show up in gameplay. Capital ships still cost the same and take the same amount of time to build.
on Jun 03, 2008
First time i hear of that problem. Where did you put the mod?