This is just a short notice if there is a new version of the Real Capital Ships mod for Sins of a Solar Empire
Published on March 31, 2009 By Grottenolm85 In Sins Modding


for some resason the developer.exe doesn't  work with Entrenchment 1.02. Is there somewhere a new Version available? The one in the forge-tools is still 1.01.

As it is extremely agonizing to start over and over again, just to build repeatedly an invisible starbase, are there at least some sort of cheats like instabuilt or infinite money(I solved that one with a 'developer' map for the time beeing)?

on Mar 31, 2009

I have been ranting on the forums about Ironclad not relasing the latest version of the developer, I still have my fingers crossed that they release it soon

on Mar 31, 2009

Ok, found a solution.I just edited the gameplay.constants in my mod a little bit. If anyone has the same problem just edit the following lines(neart the end):

        shipBuildRateGameSpeedScalar 0.10
        moduleBuildRateGameSpeedScalar 0.10
        shipBuildRateGameSpeedScalar 10.00
        moduleBuildRateGameSpeedScalar 10.00
        cultureConnectionReferenceLength 250000
        allegianceShiftRateScalar 0.75
        cultureConnectionReferenceLength 500000
        allegianceShiftRateScalar 1.0
        cultureConnectionReferenceLength 750000
        allegianceShiftRateScalar 1.25
        researchRateGameSpeedScalar -4.75
        researchRateGameSpeedScalar -1.3
        researchRateGameSpeedScalar 10.15

If you select fast research and fast buildrate before you start the game you can rush through the tech-tree in a matter of minutes.

That works with income-speed as well, but the AI is a real bitch with that much resources....

on Mar 31, 2009

or you could change the game update speed to 8x

on Mar 31, 2009

Another thing you can do (and x8 speed is what I do) is make any cost items a big negative number.

E.g. your FrigateTechScout, make the cost -20000 credit, -20000 ore, -20000 crystal and build a few


But devs... please please developer version of the exe.

P.s. Anyone remember whether .mesh files are also refreshed.. or does it require a restart?

on Mar 31, 2009

I am pretty sure that it require a restart

on Mar 31, 2009

Of course i use 8x-speed. That was still too slow. Now it takes around 2 seconds to research something...

on Mar 31, 2009

Its not just that. Dev exe is handy for setting up specific test enviornment. For example, I fnd myself unable to quickly test out large fleet battles because there is no way to custom spawn you AND enemy ships in the same grav well without the dev console. The issues such as on-the-fly loading of files can be circumvented, but the dev console gives you so much flexibility for testing out your mods that it simply cannot be "faked".

on Apr 01, 2009

i agree with mansh00ter, a dev exe is necessary.

i'm making a translation of the string file and even for me it's necessary to have a dev exe: if i've to translate something that is written on an infocard i need to see how much space i can use, see if the modified string is too long and other things like it -.-